Halloween 2016: Costume pARTy!

Happy Halloween!

Halloween is almost here again, and you know what that means... costume pARTy! In case you missed the original Halloween Costume Art, I like to commemorate the holiday by drawing various (often hilarious) costumes pulled from the latest costume catalogs.  

Random Costume Assignment

This year I enlisted my brother to help randomly assign costumes for my usual cast of characters. Even though the costumes were completely random, a lot of them worked out quite well for the people who received them.

1st time is not the charm

Once I knew who was who, I took some time to sketch out a possible plan. Ten people is quite a lot to fit into one picture, especially since I wanted them to interact in some fashion. 

Getting ink

A few preliminary sketches later, and I was ready to start inking. This is one of my favorite parts of the process, as it refines all the hazy spots and makes it look so official!

Gibdo attack! (Bonus points if you get the OoT/MM reference!)

As luck would have it, one of the randomly assigned costumes is also the one I'll be donning this year: Link, the Hero of Time! (And if any mummies come after me, I have an awesome new Hylian shield backpack with which to defend myself!)

Mwee hee hee! Don't feed the octopus, kids!

But what's this? Nine tenths of the way through inking I realize I have a giant blank spot in the bottom right corner that sets the whole page off balance. So what's a girl to do? Add a purple octopus, of course! This was the only non-random costume of the bunch, and while there was legitimately a purple octopus costume in the catalog, I took some liberties to make it everyone's favorite octopus royalty, Ultros.


At long last, the ink is complete and it's starting to look like a real picture! 

Sketches, what sketches? We woke up this way.

Next step? Destroy the evidence! (A.k.a. erase the pencil lines.)

Let the coloring begin!
With the black and white coloring page ready to go, it was time to bust out the markers and get coloring! With the magic of musical soundtracks to inspire me - Into the Woods for Little Red Riding Hood, Chicago for the flapper, Newsies because it's awesome, and so on - I was able to enjoy some therapeutic coloring time, like those adult coloring books, but from scratch!

At last, it's done!

And voila! I used a mix of Prismacolor markers, Staedtler pens and some metallic Sharpies for this one, plus for the pattern of Disgust's dress, I drew the pale flowers with white coloring pencil first, then applied a wash of green marker and added the blue and green flowers at the end. It was something of an experiment and I'm quite pleased with how it came out!

Thumbs up!
If you want to get your coloring on this Halloween, feel free to use the black and white image above. You can also check out the one from two years ago. Either way, if you do I'd love to see the final product. Happy Halloween everyone!


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